Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mizzou Fans Voted the Most Classless in the Big 12

"Missouri fans are hands down the most classless, rude and loudmouth bunch in the Big 12 Conference.Their goal, as a whole, is not to cheer on their Tigers to a victory, but to direct any and every insult containing the F-bomb or remark questioning sexual orientation at their opponents."

Yeah, this pretty much sums up our fanbase. And you know what? We love it! We are classless....hell, we even hate our own kind. See, that's just the culture here in the show-me state. We are very cynical, very rude, and show respect to only a few. We also don't apologize for this. We have come to accept our fate and disposition in this world. Rather than hiding it, we celebrate it. Spitting, yelling F-bombs, grabbing our crotches; these are just the few things you learn at a young age in Missouri.

And to all the Jayhawks on Saturday night that told me to wait for basketball season, get a life. Football is a far superior sport that means much more. If only we were at Lawrence on Saturday night, the city would have burned down once again.

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