Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Missouri Wins

There's been a ton of coverage of this shirt design - but it's an instant classic. Missouri is about to play Kansas in football - and if we go by who came up with the most disrespectful/awesome shirt, Missouri will win... easy.

The shirt depicts the scene when Mssouri burned Lawrence to the ground. That's what happens when you rile us. Trust me, Missourians aren't impressed with Kansas.

Take a good long look at this shirt, it embodies everything that is Missouri. No class, doesn't care, isn't impressed, taking pride in belligerance. God Bless this beautiful state of Missouri.

Not to mention the Kansas response is lame. Nice one, pussies.

By the way...does Kansas really exist??

1 comment:

DeeWhyEye said...

Kansas nor Nebraska exist. Seriously, nothing but wide open fields. The are both like the red-headed Stepchild of Missouri.