Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where Missourians and Illinoisians differ...

Since I work on the border of Missouri and Illinois, I have noticed a few key differences in the attitudes and culture of the natives from each state. Here are just a few...

1. When hearing that Al Gore had just received the Nobel Peace Prize, an Illinoisian said, "Good for him. He has created much awareness about this horrible situation." A Missourian responded, "Al Gore is in it for the money. He is not to be trusted. Plus, global warming is a stupid concept."

2. An Illinoisian is much more prone to say, "Happy Friday guys!"

3. When someone walks around the office collecting money for a birthday party, an Illinoisian gets excited and wonders whose big day it is. A Missourian will shudder and respond, "who gives a shit. I have to give money again."

4. Illinoisians enjoy cream soda, balloons,and cake much more than Missourians.

5. Missourians still actively use the phrase, "Git 'r done."

6. Missourians appreciate Sammy Haggar's catalog much more that Illinoisians.

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